Climate Change Leadership probes the existential questions surrounding climate change, including the demands for rapid societal transformation to mitigate climate change and the potential adaptive measures needed to live with a changing climate.

Climate Change Leadership is part of the Department of Earth Sciences at Uppsala University

Climate Change Leadership is a research field within the programme of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (NRHU) at the Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University. We respond to the broad and dynamic questions related to climate change in an increasingly complex and globalised world from the point of the individual, and how one might learn to live with uncertain futures, to the global, where structures of justice and equity in politics and economics might need to be reorganised in response to changing climates.

Climate Change Leadership hosts the Zennström professorship in Climate Change Leadership. Since 2015 the professors have been funded by generous donations from Zennström Philanthropies, founded by Niklas Zennström, Uppsala University alumnus, and his wife Katherine Zennström. To date, Climate Change Leadership has developed new thinking and ideas with the expertise of four visiting Zennström professors.