Fltr: Back row: Oskar Lindgren, Anna Grimstad, Stacy VanDeveer, Mikael Karlsson. Front row: Frida Öhman, Sverker C. Jagers, Naghmeh Nasiritousi, Laila Mendy, Judith Lundberg-Felten, Jens Ergon September 2023

Mikael Karlsson

Senior Lecturer in Climate Change Leadership


Mikael Karlsson is Associate Professor in Environmental Science and has a PhD in Environment and Energy systems. For several years he was the president of the Swedish Nature Protection Society and he has also been the president of Europe’s biggest collaborative organisation for environmental groups, EEB. Mikael has worked as a researcher at Södertörns Högskola and KTH, as well as Karlstad University, where he developed the subject of Environmental Science. He is a board member of the Forest Association and The Nuclear Waste Council, active in the Swedish Government´s council for environmental issues and has worked in  several environmental expert groups in Sweden and the EU. Today he is member of the EU Commission’s group on energy intensive industry.

Stacy VanDeveer

Zennström guest professor 2023-2024
X: @StacyDVanDeveer

Stacy VanDeveer is Zennström guest professor 2023-2024 in the CCL team. He is a professor at the Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security & Global Governance at the McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies at University of Massachusetts Boston. Stacy’s research answers key questions of global environmental politics and the interface between science and policy. This includes his work on the roles of experts in policymaking, EU environmental and energy politics, and processes and institutions of global environmental policymaking. He has also conducted community-engaged research on climate change policies in the US. He is frequently advising local, state and federal officials in the US on how to improve climate policy-making.

Eva Alfredsson


Eva Alfredsson has a PhD in human geography. She is also a senior analyst at Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis, under the Ministry of Climate and Enterprise. Eva´s work is concentrated to analyses related to sustainable economic development and green structural change.  Her research interests are on how to transition to a sustainable inclusive economy. She is currently part of the research project FAIRTRANS.
Eva has been an expert in the Swedish government committee preparing for the Swedish Climate Law. She has also been an expert in the parliamentary committee investigating how to achieve a fossil independent transport system. Eva is a member of Future Earths Working Group on the Political Economy of Sustainable Consumption and Production and a senior advisor to the think tank Global Challenges.

Daniel Lindvall


Daniel Lindvall has a PhD in Sociology and has been doing research on issues related to democracy and climate policies, especially the capacity of democratic governance to cope with the climate crisis. He has also an interest in socioeconomic consequences of the climate and energy transformation. He is the author of several books, such as Upphettning – Demokratin i klimatkrisens tid and Folkstyret i rädslans tid. He has for several years worked for the Swedish government and has been principle inquiry secretary in several government inquires, such as the Democracy Commission. He has also worked for the European Union and other international organisations. Beside research on issues on climate and democracy, Daniel has done research on peace reconciliation with a focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is also working as a consultant for the company 2050 Consulting. 

Portrait photo of Laila Mendy

Laila Mendy

PhD student

Laila is a PhD student looking at societal transformations to Net Zero 2045 in Sweden. She is interested in the role of intermediaries in the era of Post-Truth. She has a Masters in Sustainable Development from Uppsala University. Previously, Laila worked as a coordinator for the Zennström visiting professorship in Climate Change Leadership. She has worked with sustainability courses at CEMUS and developed new courses in climate change and global health and coordinated PhD education in Climate Change Leadership.

Portrait photo Jens Ergon

Jens Ergon

PhD student
X: @JensErgon

Jens Ergon is a PhD-student at the Department of Earth Sciences at Uppsala University, and works within the national research program FAIRTRANS (Fair Transformations to a Fossil Free Future). Prior to his PhD-studies Jens Ergon has worked as a professional science journalist for 20 years, mostly at the Sveriges Television (SVT), the Swedish national public service television company, focusing on issues around climate change and the challenges of a green transformation. He has produced documentaries, features and written extensively about the issues. His latest book is Omställningen – tio år som kommer att förändra världen (Leopard förlag, 2016). Jens Ergon has originally studied physics and engineering, and has a licentiate degree in theoretical physics from KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, in Stockholm.

Frida Öhman

PhD student

Frida is a PhD-student in the Climate Change Leadership team. She works within the research project Landpaths looking at the governance arrangements within each landscape and how they affect multifunctionality. Later on she will contribute to the project by presenting governance recommendations regarding multifunctionality. Previously, Frida has worked at the Swedish migration board and as an environmental coordinator at Region Uppsala. She has a Bachelor in political science and a Master in Sustainable development from Uppsala university.

Portrait picture Oskar Lindgren

Oskar Lindgren

PhD student

Oskar is a PhD student in the Climate Change Leadership team. He works mainly with the research program FAIRTRANS (Fair Transformations to a Fossil Free Future) looking at public acceptance and support for sufficiency-oriented policies. Such policies focus on reducing excess consumption and production while simultaneously enabling those who have too little resources to fulfill basic human needs. Prior to joining the CCL team, Oskar has worked as a research assistant at the Stockholm Resilience Centre and as a sustainability consultant. He has a Masters in Sustainable Development from Uppsala University.

Anna Berg Grimstad

PhD student

Anna is a PhD student in the Climate Change Leadership team. She is part of the Naturvårdsverket funded Navigate project that looks at synergies and barriers between political strategies for climate and biodiversity. She is also involved in other CCL projects, for example, looking at the debate on forest-based bioenergy. Previously, Anna worked as a research assistant with projects concerning gender mainstreaming in the EU Green Deal and climate and biodiversity policy in the forestry sector. She has a Master’s in Sustainable Development from Uppsala University.

Photographer: Cajsa Lithell

Judith Lundberg-Felten


Judith is project-coordinator for the Climate Change Leadership team. She coordinates activities related to the Zennström professorships and works with communication, organisation, courses and administrative tasks for the CCL team and in the Landpaths project.

Judith holds a PhD and docentship in plant biology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Her interest is the forest ecosystem and how we can transition to a sustainable future where we balance conserving forest ecosystems and using trees as a renewable energy source.