“Every initiative, every activity is a space for transforming the whole”

Monica Sharma

The Living Library is a conversational space that takes place in the intersection between fiction, action and research. Over a series of three online sessions facilitated by Pernilla Glaser, academics, activists and artists will gather to share understandings of climate justice, unpacking the scheduled themes of knowledge, listening and action. 

The Living Library is a Talk Up. You are invited to listen to a conversation between a group with various practices of knowledge. The conversation is followed by a participatory space where you reflect with other participants.

Registration is free and you are welcome to attend all three conversations or any of your own choosing.

Register here >> http://doit.medfarm.uu.se/kurt20747 

Scroll down for more information on the format and background to The Living Library below, as well as our Library ‘Shelves’ – recommended related materials and inspiration. 

The Living Library is a collaboration between the following organisations: 

The Living Libraries

We say that humans have the least experience with how to live and thus the most to learn – we must look to our teachers among the other species for guidance. Their wisdom is apparent in the way they live. They teach us by example. They´ve been on earth far longer than we have been, and had time to figure things out.

Robin Wall Kimmerer

Living Library #1 : Whose Knowledge? 
Othering of knowledge, people and power.
11th May 2021 | 15.00 – 16.30 CEST

Anselmo Matusse | Researcher | University of Cape Town
Per Olsson | Researcher | Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
Maria Tengö | Researcher | Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
Ingela Ihrman | Artist

Living Library #2: How to Listen
Co-shaping an exchange of narratives and learning together.
9th June, 15.00 – 16.30 CEST

Michele-Lee Moore | Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University 
Maria Thereza Alves | Artist
Johannes Heldén | Artist and Poet

Living Library #3 : How to act?
On allies, ambassadors and actions.
17th June, 15.00 – 16.30 CEST

Katarina Pirak Sikku | Artist
Stellan Vinthagen | Gothenburg University
Stefania Barca | Zennström Professor in Climate Change Leaders | Uppsala University 
Joana Moll | Artist and Researcher
Kalle Brolin | Artist


More on The Living Library

The Living Library was born out of a desire to unpack the approaches and assumptions underpinning climate conversations. Gathering us around experiences of the guests, the Living Library is a place where we can ask questions like :

  • How does power shape our relationships to each other and to the natural world that we share? 
  • Where are we (individually and collectively) positioned in the global tapestry of human/earth entanglements? 
  • What kind of relationships and alliances would enable us to move towards global climate justice? 

The Living Library brings together diverse groups of people working in a variety of forms and contexts, gathered under three broad themes: 

  • Knowledge, and the question of power and voice in knowledge authority; 
  • Listening, and the exercise of co-shaping complex narratives; 
  • Action, and how we engage with our allies and ambassadors towards societal transformations. 

Each Living Library session will begin with a moderated panel discussion with Pernilla Glaser, that carefully draws out the complexities of the different themes. Following this, the audience will be invited to reflect together in a workshop-style format to share their own considerations of these subjects. The moderated conversation portion will be recorded and shared on social media. 

Over the course of the series we will be documenting and sharing different pieces of work, fictional or factual, from all over the world that inspire us to think and act differently. Guest speakers have been invited to bring their stories, experiences and pieces to each session to help us consider the multiple representations of these ideas. See below for a full list of bios and interesting selections of their work. We invite you to browse these pieces before or after the conversations. If you have pieces you would like to contribute to our Library shelf, please email laila.mendy@geo.uu.se 

The Living Library Story Shelf

A library of inspirational pieces to help us think through some of the questions asked in the Living Library:

We invite you to explore our library shelves on our Padlet here

Films and Documentaries

