We are so pleased to announce the arrival of our fourth professor in Climate Change Leadership: Stefania Barca.
Stefania Barca is a scholar in Environmental History from Coimbra University. With a particular focus on social movements and Just Transition, Stefania will be bringing diverse and highly engaged networks from the Global South into dialogue with European environmental and workers rights organisations to work through the tricky questions of a Just Transition.
Her professorship begins with a series of conversations in Uppsala in relation to climate fiction, the arts and films. These explore the different methods and messages that can emerge from creative and participatory conversations. Her professorship will culminate in a conference on Just Transition in spring 2022.
You can read more about her background and planned activities here.
We are pleased and excited to announce that we will soon be working with a new senior lecturer in climate change leadership, Mikael Karlsson. Mikael will be joining us to lead our research activities from March 15. He will also be working with education at CEMUS and NRHU.
Meet the Education Researcher has interviewed former Zennström Professor of Climate Change Leadership (2019 – 2020) Keri Facer. Listen below to hear more on her thinking about universities and climate change and ways to think about the future “in non-stupid ways”.
You can read more about Professor Facer’s work on Universities and Climate Change here.
As the climate impact and health threats associated with industrial food systems grow ever stronger, demand for local and sustainable food systems also grows. The Campus Food Garden is a student designed and led project, building an on-campus urban garden in unused and vacant spaces of Uppsala University campus. Funded by the Uppsala University Climate Pot and CCL, the initiative aims to explore the potential for local and sustainable food production system in reducing Uppsala University’s climate impact.
Visit The Campus Garden’s Facebook page for regular updates and to find out how you can get involved, or connect with project leaders and Uppsala University students Otilia and Sagnik. They are encouraging all growers – old or new, staff, student of Uppsalabo – to come and join in with them.
You can also read more about them on Uppsala University’s student magazine, ERGO.
What is required of universities in face of climate change? Read the new HEPI report by Keri Facer to find out!
Zennström Professor Keri Facer has called for the radical restructuring of Higher education and universities in response to climate change. You can read more on the website of the Higher Education Policy Institute. Or download the report here:
In this report you can read about the 2019 collaboration between Zennström Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University and the Uppsala Art Museum. Some of the ideas and findings from this report are elaborated upon in a forthcoming publication.
This report is written in English.
Några ord från Kuratorn, Rebecka Wigh Abrahamsson, Uppsala Art Museum
En rapport om samarbetet mellan Uppsala konstmuseum och Uppsala universitet kring utställningen ”The Non-Human Animal – Negotiating Bio-relations” hösten 2019. Samarbetet leddes av Keri Facer, Zennströmprofessor i Climate Change Leadership vid Uppsala universitet, som i sin forskning har ett stort fokus på konstens och humanioras roll i samtalet om och förståelsen kring klimatförändringarna.
Här beskrivs de olika aktiviteterna och de multidisciplinära perspektiv som vävdes samman i projektet, från pedagogiska och rituella, till diskussion om den politiska infrastrukturen.
En premiss i papporten är behovet av skapa fler intellektuella och emotionella rum för att diskutera alla de konflikter och motstridiga intressen som blir tydliga under antropocen, t ex möjligheten att bearbeta sorg. Här diskuteras vilken effekt ramverket kring dessa skapade rum får på samtalen.
Flera exempel på olika interdisciplinära modeller som prövades under projektet lyfts fram, samt den stora potential som finns i att se över och tänka nytt kring vad det betyder att vara människa idag genom pedagogiska, imaginära, rituella och politiska strukturer.
These courses give a broad orientation of theories and concepts within the emerging climate change leadership field focusing on how to engender a rapid social transition to zero emissions. The main focus lies on analysing how theories and concepts of climate change leadership, stemming from political and social sciences, systems thinking, governance theory and societal planning can be used to understand and shape transitions.
Climate Change Leadership: Actors and Strategies for Societal Transitions, 2021
The interdisciplinary seminar takes place Tuesdays 10:15-12:00 twice per month during term time via zoom or/and in the Baltic Library, at the Department of Earth Sciences, Villavägen 16. The first and last seminar each term includes planning discussions where PhD-students and researchers suggest future activities. The seminar is hosted by affiliated CEFO Members and supported by CEMUS, NRHU and the Climate Change Leadership Node at Uppsala University.
September 14th
Opening Meeting for semester – Affiliates and participants
The CEMUS Research Forum is a transdisciplinary research forum open to researchers and PhD-students at Uppsala University, SLU and other universities in Sweden. CEFO activities focus on environment, development and sustainability studies. We collaborate with other universities and departments to enrich research education through our transdisciplinary Sustainability Seminars, PhD courses, workshops, lectures and field trips. CEFO was initiated by PhD-students, staff and students at CEMUS in 2002 as a research school between Uppsala University and Swedish Agricultural University (SLU).
CEFO is mainly driven by PhD students from across Uppsala University, along with senior faculty support. Our affiliated members and other participants are from diverse departments and disciplines, bringing multiple perspectives to the discussions. We encourage conversations framed by problem, not by discipline.
What We Do
Twice per month we host a research seminar series featuring talks and workshops from CEFO members and invited speakers. We run skills workshops and organize field trips. We also initiate and run student-driven PhD courses in collaboration with faculty and offer opportunities for getting feedback for your research from a wider audience. We welcome new members from all departments who hope to broaden their horizons. Seminars, workshops and events are open to any interested PhD students, researchers, master’s students and interested public.
Below you find an introductory movie:
Sound interesting?
Check the schedule for our activities, you are of course welcome to join them. In addition to that, we would be happy to send you invites to our activities, if you are interested in that please send an e-mail to our coordinator helena.fornstedt@angstrom.uu.se.
To become a formally affiliated PhD student see the affiliation agreement (here) and contact the coordinator (Helena). If you are a Masters student or researcher we would be happy to include you in our group as a non-affiliated member. The more the merrier!
CEMUS Centre for Environment and Development Studies, an interdisciplinary center for education, outreach, and research at Uppsala University and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).
Watch Zennström Professor in Climate Change Leadership 2019 – 2020, Dr. Keri Facer deliver her inaugural lecture on the futures of universities in a changing climate.
Find recorded lectures, podcasts and reports with members of the Climate Change Leadership initiative.
Follow our youtube channel for talks and events with the Climate Change Leadership initiative at Uppsala University.Follow the CEMUS youtube channel for associated talks and events.
Find resources and reports for climate justice and Just Transition here.
Find resources and reports for the Swedish Carbon Budget work here.
Find resources and reports for the work on universities and education here.
Föreläsning: ”Laggards or leaders (bromskloss eller ledare); Paris, 2°C & the role for Sweden” av Kevin Anderson. Den hölls på Hotel Lysekil den 9 mars och publik var människor som hade samlats för att protestera mot Preems utbyggnad av oljeraffinaderiet i Lysekil. Dagen efter deltog Kevin Anderson som vittne i Mark- och miljööverdomstolens förhandlingar om Preems ansökan om utbyggnad. Mars 2020.
Report: Internationalisation and SustainabilityThe report below provides a brief exploration of the relationship between internationalisation and sustainability agendas in the contemporary university. It reports on a short programme of desk research by the team and a workshop bringing together university leadership, students, faculty and administrative staff. It identifies key tensions, possibilities, and routes towards achieving more sustainable internationalisation strategies in universities. The report has been compiled rapidly to respond to current debates and is intended as the basis for wider discussion.
Sweden’s carbon budget challenge – turning Paris’ aspirations into local climate actionPart 1 and Part 2. A lecture and panel discussion with Kevin Anderson, Agneta Green, Anders Wijkman, and Karin Sundby. July 2018.
Courage and Climate: An Interview with Kevin Anderson. Interviewed by Paul Campion and Stephen Tuscher, students at the Newman Institute, for Civic Courage in Theory and Practice, a course taught by Brian Palmer. November 2016.
Find external resources linked to people and groups doing inspiring work.
Sister’s Academy develops new art-based research methods to collect data. Based in Denmark.
Emergence Network is a research inquiry into the otherwise via practices that trouble the traditional boundaries of agency and possibility.
Climate and Mind explores the relationship between climate disruption, human behaviour, and human experience.
Bifrost is an environmental humanities intervention on climate change bridging nature and culture, science and art, understanding and action, challenges and solutions.
Gesturing towards decolonial futures is a portfolio of artistic, pedagogical and cartographic experiments that seek to not only imagine but also enact the world differently.
Ecoversities network explores what the university might look like if it were at the service of our diverse ecologies, cultures, economies, spiritualities and Life within our planetary home.
Dark Mountain is a radical project looking for other stories that can help us make sense of a time of disruption and uncertainty.
This is a set of quick links to some of our work on Universities, Schools, Education in general and Climate Change
Universities and Climate Change
Zennström Professor Keri Facer’s Inaugural Lecture on ‘Learning to live with a lively planet: renewing the mission of the research university’
A report from the Initiative on Internationalisation and Sustainability – is it possible to square these two agendas?
A keynote from Keri Facer on Universities and the SDGs to the Transforming Higher Education for the Future (IAU) Conference in Puebla, Mexico, November 2019
A public debate on cities and climate change, with Richard Florida, at KTH Stockholm. Keri joined the panel to reflect on the climate implications of Florida’s proposals.
A public debate on universities and climate change – at Almedalen, with Professor Keri Facer, the Minister for Higher Education Matilda Ernkrans, Uppsala University Vice Chancellor Professor Eva Åkesson and the lead for Sweden’s Environment agenda, Dr Emma Nohrén.
A public debate on the role of science, industry and government in addressing climate change.
In Swedish – Universitetens roll för en hållbar värld – a public debate at Almedalen with Uppsala universitet, SLU, Karolinska institutet, Stockholms universitet, Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, KTH
What are the links beteween climate change and civic university agendas? A short post for the UK’s Higher Education Policy Institute
University Innovation Agendas – AIM Days and climate change – a report from Laila Mendy.
What sort of knowledge do we need to think about long term futures? Science and Futures in Government. A talk by Dr Claire Craig.
A report from the Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures programme, led by Professor Keri Facer, which makes recommendations on Education and Climate Change
A report on the important role of transformative public education – public, dialogic, collaborative, transgressive – in addressing Covid-19, with implications also for climate change.
A report on a Legacy 17 workshop – a popular education strategy for addressing questions of sustainability.
Leading activity within Uppsala University
We have been working over the last year with the 2050 plan for the University Campus, supporting long term thinking about the link between climate change and university campuses. This includes events and consultation workshops.
Den globala koldioxidbudgeten är den begränsade totala mängd koldioxid, det utsläppsutrymme, som kan släppas ut till atmosfären för att klara ett visst temperaturmål. Den kan brytas ner och fördelas i tid och rum och därigenom uttryckas som lokala årliga koldioxidbudgetar.
En koldioxidbudget är förstås den siffra, den mängd koldioxid, samt tillhörande förslag på minskningstakt för att klara denna. Men budgeten består också av de tolkningar av vad Parisavtalet innebär och möjligheten till så kallade negativa utsläpp. I sig hjälper den till att konkretisera vad det innebär att koldioxid ackumuleras i atmosfären, och att CO2‑utsläpp därför måste betraktas ur ett kumulativt perspektiv.
Det är detta arbete som gjorts i detta projekt för svenska kommuner, regioner och län för åren 2020-2040. Efter 2040 måste utsläppen fortsätta att sjunka mot noll.
Om samarbetet med svenska kommuner, regioner och län
Kevin Anderson är pionjär inom arbetet med att omvandla den globala koldioxidbudgeten till nationell och lokal nivå och har bland annat tagit fram en budget för Manchester, Skottland samt för England via deras Climate Change Act.
År 2017 tog Järfälla kommun kontakt med klimatledarskapsnoden (CCL) och undrade om Järfälla kunde få en koldioxidbudget beräknad (Anderson et al., 2017). När projektet var klart tog fler kommuner samt län kontakt med CCL och bad att få budgetar beräknade.
Det stora intresset resulterade i att det under 2018 startades ett projekt, Koldioxidbudgetar 2020-2040, för att beräkna budgetar åt fler kommuner, regioner och län. Framförallt under upplaga två, men även under de senaste omgångarna dialog förts med deltagande organisationer via mail och möten. Mötena har syftat till att behovsanpassa innehållet i rapporterna samt att författarna får ta del av kommunala och regionala perspektiv, kunskaper och erfarenheter.
Sammanlagt har vi nu beräknat koldioxidbudgetar för ett tjugotal kommuner, regioner och län runt om i Sverige
Just nu planerar vi för 2021 års arbete, ta gärna kontakt med oss om ni är intresserade att delta.
Som inspiration kan nämnas att EU just röstat igenom att koldioxidbudgetar ska användas samt att staden Manchester i England har antagit följande ambitiösa mål:
Proposal one: Manchester adopts the Tyndall Centre’s proposed targets and definition of zero carbon and includes them formally in the Our Manchester and Manchester City Council policy framework. Namely: a limited carbon budget of 15m tonnes CO2 for 2018-2100; 13% year-on year reductions in CO2 from 2018; zero carbon by 2038.
Proposal two: Manchester recognises that action on climate change is a fundamental part of achieving the city’s 2025 vision and objectives. And by taking urgent action to become a zero carbon city, starting in 2018, we will achieve more benefits for Manchester’s residents and businesses up to 2025 and beyond.
Proposal three: Manchester accelerates its efforts to mobilise all residents, businesses and other stakeholders to take action on climate change, starting in 2018.
Proposal four: Manchester puts in place an action plan and the resources needed to stay within the proposed carbon budget, starting in 2018.
Under 2018-2019 pågår också ett Vinnovaprojekt med titeln – Digital plattform för beräkning av koldioxidbudgetar och simulering samt sam-skapande av klimatåtgärdspaket – ta gärna kontakt med oss om det låter intressant.